Start date
February 1th 2017
• Marketing
Digitally integrated advice product
Adidas asked for advice for the new, global product launch around the new Adidas product line called “NEMEZIZ“. Dr.WOOOW! consulted on the on- and offline marketing of the products and kept the core values in mind: “Unlock Agility’. The campaign must be disrupting, it must fit with the product and its core values, it must attract influencers and invite them to make content (here to create) and the ideas must be able to implement globally.
Dr. WOOOW! got her inspiration from the lines running on the NEMEZIZ shoes. The slogan: unlock agility gave us the creative concept of the NEMEZIZ Skill Cage. A closed environment where the footballers (creators) can show their skills and record those skills. They can share this content directly on their social media. With an appropriate outline for national events and offline activations, we have inspired Adidas, in collaboration with Intermarketing, with our ideas. Our ideas can be seen worldwide in the Adidas campaigns.