Friends Crw, is a group of friends consisting of Alex Laman, Ted Heil, Bulent Camdere, Michiel Boone, Onur Eren, Ravi and Presley. The boys are a crew that has become a professional show formation through their passion for freerunning and tricking.
Friends Crw combines two styles: freerunning and tricking. The sports also have influences from capoeira, breakdance, acrobatics and gymnastics.
They know how to master these original sports perfectly and earned the respect of the European urban scene.
Friends CRW can be deployed for entertainment in several ways. Friends crw is multifunctional. They take care of opening acts, demonstrations, customized shows, workshops, guerilla acts, (youth) campaigns and marketing concepts.
Semi Finals Holland’s Got Talent 2016
Opening show at the Golden Televizier Ring Gala 2016
Performances with DirtCaps during Dancetour 2016
Performance MTV series Brothers Green
Performance afterparty MTV EMA 2016
Optreden afterparty MTV EMA 2016